YORKSHIRE INDEPENDENT ROOF TRAINING GROUP (YIRTG) recently invited NCTS/MasterRoofers UK across from its Salford base to Bradford to deliver a lead welding and bossing course.
The course was delivered to local company Bingley Roofing, who were joined by learners from East Yorkshire Roofing Services Ltd

The Master Roofers UK course includes both lead bossing and welding training, which is not readily available in Yorkshire. The YIRTG was able to organise a special arrangement for the two businesses with funding assistance through the CITB Skills and Training Fund..
As it’s half term week in Bradford, the course was delivered at Carlton Bolling Academy, where YIRTG supports the construction department with resources.
Group Training Officer Denise Cherry said, “This week has demonstrated collaboration at its best. Two roofing companies have benefited from sharing training arrangements to get the trainer across to their area. And, the Carlton Bolling Academy, which has received support in materials donations and other help from the roofing community, has provided their venue.
“It really is a win-win all round and the YIRTG is delighted to help facilitate such effective collaboration between all parties to their mutual benefit.”
Pictured: Denise Cherry with the training delegates and Stewart Rowles from Master Roofers UK supervising Joe from Bingley Roofing and Matt from EYRSL.
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